Mike & Elise

A big congratulations to my cousin Michael and his new bride Elise! I had so much fun designing the invitation suite for such an awesome couple – they truly deserve all the happiness in the world :)

This first image shows how the invitations were packaged and sent – neatly wrapped with a sheer black ribbon which was tied in a bow in the back. I threaded the ribbons through square cards with the bride and groom’s names and wedding date to give it a more polished look.

Invitation suite all packaged up and ready to be mailed!
Invitation suite all packaged up and ready to be mailed!

Here we have all of the elements unwrapped – the invitation along with the reception, accommodations, and reply cards. I printed the address on the return envelopes using the same script font as the rest of the suite.

All of the pieces laid out.
All of the pieces laid out.
Another shot just for fun :)
Another shot just for fun :)

This was such a special project for me – I’m so happy I was able to contribute to their big day.  Congrats again guys!